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The Advertising Association (AA)
June 2 2010


Karen FraserIn the UK, The Advertising Association (AA) has appointed Karen Fraser to lead its new research capability.

The AA represents all sides of the advertising and promotion industry in the UK – advertisers, agencies and the media. Its goal is that advertising should enjoy responsibility from its practitioners, moderation from its regulators, and trust from its consumers.

Fraser is a business consultant who has advised advertisers, agency groups and the UK government on strategic communications. While running her own consultancy, Fraser Consulting, she founded the Ethical Reputation Index; a tracker of corporate ethical reputation and the communications channels that affect consumer perceptions of companies.

Earlier in her career, Fraser was European Research Director at Carat and worked for Leo Burnett/Starcom Worldwide.

‘We now have a fantastic, experienced group of people in place,’ commented CEO Tim Lefroy. ‘Now more than ever, our industry needs to understand consumers, stay close to what policy makers are thinking and demonstrate the value we bring - that’s what this team will be doing on behalf of all of those that commission, create and carry advertising.’

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