Behaviorally Unveils Single-Number Packaging Predictor
In New York, purchasing behavior specialist Behaviorally has launched the PackPower Score, a one-number predictor of the sales impact of new packaging designs.
Behaviorally combines a proprietary behavioral framework with insights and category expertise to help clients define and diagnose the factors influencing consumer purchasing. The new Score is integrated into the firm's suite of quant and qual pack testing products, and powered by what it says is the world's largest pack design database - more than 32 million behavioral datapoints - along with image recognition AI, and in-market sales data.
The Score predicts the potential shift in sales as a result of packaging changes, allowing major CPG clients to benchmark new designs against competitors in any category, across any type of packaging research, and makes use of the firm's historical behavioral survey data and AI image recognition - the latter is trained 'to look at a pack as a human eye would'.
According to Chief Digital Officer Sam Albert (pictured), 'We're excited to integrate this summary metric, which executes on our vision to combine our behavioral database assets and AI, across Behaviorally's portfolio of packaging research products'.
Web site: www.behaviorally.com .
