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Bulgaria's Polling Head Yordanova to Appeal Dismissal

August 29 2013

Lidiya Yordanova, who was recently fired from her role as Director of Bulgaria's state-owned polling agency the National Centre for the Study of Public Opinion (NCIOM) over claims of nepotism, is planning to initiate a lawsuit against her dismissal.

Lidiya YordanovaNCIOM was established in 1989 by the Politbureau of the Bulgarian Communist Party, just one month before the fall of the country's communist regime. The organisation conducts polls among the population on current national and international events; monitors the public and political climate in the country; and issues forecasts on expected changes.

Yordanova (pictured) was dismissed last week by Parliament Speaker Mihail Mikov, over claims that relatives of the polling agency's employees had been hired to carry out surveys, and that these individuals had been paid twice for the same job. These allegations are currently being examined by the government's own prosecutors.

Speaking to journalists, Yordanova said that she had been 'absolutely loyal' to the institution during her tenure, adding: 'I am instituting a legal proceeding against my dismissal and I hope for a good outcome. I will be happy to co-operate with everyone, who wishes to clear out the case.'

Earlier in the month, Mikov said he believed NCIOM should be closed down, arguing that the current parliament and government have 'no need for this democratic tool'.

A group of Bulgarian pollsters have since released a statement expressing their 'strong disagreement' with the proposed closure, adding: 'NCIOM's data and analyses from opinion polls are public and subject to public control. This cannot be required from private polling companies. Not only does NCIOM cater for all sides concerned - ruling parties, opposition, active citizens, professionals, state and private media, and foreign observers - it also holds a valuable archive of methods and a database of hundreds of opinion polls. These should not be lost.'

All articles 2006-23 written and edited by Mel Crowther and/or Nick Thomas, 2024- by Nick Thomas, unless otherwise stated.

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