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Comscore Consumer Intelligence Rolls Out Across US

November 16 2021

Comscore has expanded its Consumer Intelligence solution to cover all 210 US local markets, providing local TV stations, digital publishers and media buyers with insight to connect consumer behavior with local television and digital consumption down to the ZIP code level.

David AlgranatiComscore Consumer Intelligence, which was launched last year in partnership with behaviour-based data science company Consumer Orbit, is a local market audience segmentation and buying and sales tool, providing cross-platform measurement of consumer retail visits and online shopping tied to television and digital viewing behavior. Through the tool, clients can see what linear and digital audiences are searching online to buy, where they are shopping and how they interact with media.

The service is delivered monthly, which the firm says compares with other consumer segmentation tools delivered annually, using survey-based questionnaires and based on self-reported information from small samples. Use cases could include providing a seller with access to actual location traffic for a specific car dealer and then matching those visits to television and digital impressions down to the ZIP codes.

Chief Product Officer David Algranati (pictured) comments: 'Comscore Consumer Intelligence complements our TV measurement products by providing a detailed view into the brands and products local consumers are shopping for today and the media they're consuming within those subsegments of the market that are most relevant to local advertising buyers and sellers. It is unique in that it offers the ability to measure digital audiences at the daypart and quarter-hour level, providing a means of comparing digital and linear media consumption'.

Web sites: www.comscore.com and www.consumerorbit.com .

All articles 2006-23 written and edited by Mel Crowther and/or Nick Thomas, 2024- by Nick Thomas, unless otherwise stated.

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