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Sample Control Software Launched

February 28 2002

Marketing service professionals have acquired a new way to extract samples from customer databases this week. Packaged as 'Market Research Sample Control' (MaRSC) software, this new tool is now available from Centurion Marketing Systems Ltd.

According to the suppliers, MaRSC will allow the whole spectrum of research professionals to extract balanced, representative market research samples for interviewing by applying the software to their existing in-house databases. It has been specifically designed for medium to large-sized businesses that are already involved with company CRM or data warehouse systems.

At a basic level the information generated can include a name, address and telephone number. It can in fact include up to 7 dimensions in order to achieve balanced sampling.
MaRSC relies on simple selection screens to establish the sample selection criteria and verify, in real time, that there are sufficient eligible customers to meet sampling requirements. A weighting algorithm allows users to select samples by demographics and behaviour in multiple dimensions.

Ultimately, the suppliers believe that using the system will ensure companies improve the accuracy and speed of their research sampling for research projects. Given this, it could become one of the key ways that corporate investments in CRM can be maximised.

Technically speaking, MaRSC can be installed on top of a company's own CRM or data warehouse system. For companies with several in-house systems, co-ordination can be managed by multiple interfaces instead. MaRSC will also handle data from external sources, such as one of the standard industry sample suppliers.

All articles 2006-22 written and edited by Mel Crowther and/or Nick Thomas unless otherwise stated.

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