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Jupiter Predicts European DTV Revolution

March 11 2002

Most predictions of the future for DTV in Europe underestimate the potential size of the market. Or so new Jupiter research indicates. New intelligence from the company suggests that more European households will be watching digital TV than will be using the Internet within 5 years.

Jupiter MMXI 's latest thinking on the subject outlines the driving factors behind this steep growth curve. This included the migration of pay satellite and cable operator subscribers from analogue to digital TV services. Secondly, the increase in free-to-air digital terrestrial TV channels from the BBC and commercial broadcasters will have an impact. Thirdly, the introduction of more interactive features for the viewing audience should also prove influential.

Jupiter estimates that, by 2007, 91% of DTV households will be using interactive services, such as PVR - personal video recorder and VOD - video on demand. These services will transform the way TV is consumed. They also believe that, by the second quarter of 2002, low cost set top boxes will come onto the market, allowing viewers access to all free-to-air digital channels without the need to subscribe to a pay TV service.

Daniel Stevenson, author of the report, says 'Until recently, the industry had underestimated the potential of digital terrestrial free-to-air TV. Growth of this platform will inevitably make life more difficult for cable and satellite pay TV operators. Interactive services, although at present basic, will develop rapidly and will transform the way TV is used.'

Jupiter MMXI's Forecast Report to 2007 is now available, covering the areas of broadband, DTV, consumer demographics and tenure, Internet access, financial services, e-commerce, paid content, wireless, advertising, b2b and music.

All articles 2006-22 written and edited by Mel Crowther and/or Nick Thomas unless otherwise stated.

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