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Children and Healthy Eating

February 7 2003

A recent study conducted amongst 200 schoolchildren in the UK by Vox Pops International reveals some interesting insight into eating patterns and attitudes towards food.

Firstly the study found that in terms of healthy eating, children know the difference between what is healthy and unhealthy, but overall the chips come down in favour of unhealthy fare. Not surprisingly with parents threatening, bribing or disguising healthy foods to get children to eat them, kids eat a greater proportion of healthy food at home than at school.

The favourite meal for the children of today emerged as a roast followed by pasta/spaghetti. Pizza has lost the popularity that it had some years ago. In terms of favourite drinks, fizzy ones top the league, cola followed by orange. Although sports and energy drinks are popular, milk drinks do not appeal to British children.

UK kids like taking their packed lunch into school and are generally involved in the lunch box selection. Unsurprisingly the typical packed lunch is not very healthy with the most popular items being in order, sandwiches, crisps, fruit, chocolate, biscuits and fruit juice cartons. Faced with school lunches, children would choose the following (in order preference) pizza, sandwiches, pasta and vegetables.

The majority of children in the UK eat at home with their families, either every day or most days of the week. The aspect most enjoyed is the chance to get together with the family and discuss the events of the day.

In terms of advertising and marketing to children, many believe that sportsmen and women eat and drink more healthily than popstars for whom it is more permissible to consume fizzy drinks and sweets etc. Both the humour and visual effects within the advert are important when targeting children. The research shows that children welcome input from corporate entities, mostly in the form or sponsorship or supply of equipment.

All articles 2006-23 written and edited by Mel Crowther and/or Nick Thomas unless otherwise stated.

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