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Bloor Research Teams with Baroudi Group

May 24 2003

UK-based Bloor Research and Boston-based Baroudi Group, both research and analyst firms servicing high-technology clients, have announced a partnership to offer a broader range of analyst services, providing expertise from both the US and European markets. The US arm of the operation will be known as Baroudi Bloor.

Bloor and Baroudi have more than 40 years of combined practical experience, deep technology expertise, and both partners have maintained a high degree of independence. The buyers and end-users of information technology, IT suppliers and industry investors will be able to draw upon their considerable knowledge of both the US and European markets.

'Our decision to merge came as a direct result of the successes in recent months on joint projects for US and European clients who appreciated the value of having such a balanced view of the two major markets at a very fine-grained level,' said Robin Bloor, founder of Bloor Research.

Sarah Tonks, Managing Director of Bloor Research in the UK, added 'We now have the ability to provide UK and European customers with a higher quality and range of services that will show the real life picture of the state of the US market and US customers with true perspective of the European market - a highly informed view of the commercial potential in each market.'

"We believe that to deliver true value to our customers we must be able to combine local knowledge with real world experience in order to provide a more global, expert view', concluded Carol Baroudi, CEO of Baroudi Group.

All articles 2006-23 written and edited by Mel Crowther and/or Nick Thomas unless otherwise stated.

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