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Northstar Research Partners

December 8 2014

London School of Economics (LSE)Full service agency Northstar Research Partners has appointed London School of Economics (LSE) PhD students Agustin Diz and Amy Penfield as paid interns on its ‘Advanced Internship Programme’(AIP), commencing in 2015.

Northstar Partners provides a wide range of consumer and B2B research from offices in the US, Canada and London. Its AIP is open to PhD students from the Department of Anthropology at the LSE, and participants, having completed their PhD fieldwork, spend time at Northstar’s London office, where they take part in daily business activities and contribute to research projects. This arrangement enables students to experience the commercial side of social research first-hand, while staff and clients benefit from ‘fresh academic insights’ from the students.

The first two participants on the programme were Jovan Lewis, who created sessions for Northstar staff explaining the various streams of anthropology and its impact on MR thinking; and Xandra Miguel Lorenzo, who used her advanced fieldwork skills to create an ethnograph for the Royal Academy’s Summer Exhibition.

Jeff Johns, AD, and Noah Roychowdhury, Principal, of Northstar UK, lead the AIP initiative, and the latter commented about the completion of the first two internships: ‘We have been delighted with the quality of our interns from the LSE, and their enthusiasm and new ideas in developing progressive consumer insight programmes. It is clear that the AIP is a great opportunity for candidates to bring their fieldwork expertise to a commercial environment, and we look forward to another successful and interesting year in 2015.’

Web site: www.northstarhub.com .