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February 9 2021

Andrea Bonifacio-GianzanaIn the US, full-service pharma market research and consultancy firm ThinkGen has appointed Andrea Bonifacio-Gianzana as Vice President, based in New York City.

Based in Philadelphia, PA, ThinkGen provides customized MR solutions for healthcare companies, including qual and quant studies in the US and globally. Specialisms include product launches, message development, forecast modeling, customer segmentation and patient journey mapping; and the team covers a wide range of rare diseases and broad therapeutics.

Bonifacio-Gianzana (pictured) joins with more than twenty years' pharma sales and marketing experience in the US, Europe and Latin America, including periods at Merck, Shionogi and BMS. He began his career marketing primary care brands for asthma, bone disease and diabetes, and for the past decade, his responsibilities included hospital brands and acute care products. He also launched three new antibiotics, was responsible for a large portfolio of hospital products, and worked closely with HIV societies.

Commenting on the appointment, CEO and founder Noah Pines said: 'We are excited to welcome Andrea to ThinkGen to help elevate our research design, consultation and thought partnership with our clients. His significant client-side marketing experience, both domestic and global, will enhance our client-centric approach. Andrea's experience will support ThinkGen's ambitious growth initiatives, particularly global growth in Europe and Latin America'.

Web site: www.think-gen.com .