About Us

MrWeb Ltd is an independent company based in London, established in 1998 and operating the world's busiest daily news and jobs service for market research professionals. We operate:
  • the world's longest-established daily MR news email service, DRNO (Daily Research News Online) with 6-9 headlines a day about the industry sent to around 9,900 subscribers and a further 5,100 getting a weekly version
  • the UK's biggest MR recruitment medium, ie since the year 2000 our ads have helped to fill more UK MR jobs than any magazine, newspaper or any other Web site
  • many hundred pages of directories, links and resources for researchers, covering the UK, USA, Australia, European and Asian countries.
We are used by most of the senior people in global market research, along with thousands of researchers at Research Manager, AD level and above – at present UK and US subscribers each make up around 40% of our audience.

In total we have around 48,000 regular users and around 14,500 each working day.

If you'd like to know more about MrWeb, whether you're a candidate, newsreader, potential advertiser or contributor, or for any other purpose, please contact us any time.

About the industry - contents...

1. What is MR and how is it changing?

A comprehensive guide to what we do, how it's changing, and who else does similar stuff.

2. The global industry today

The supply side: revenues, rankings and company info, full listings.

3. Careers in MR

An introduction to the career ladder, activities, salaries and choices.