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ICO Publishes Data Sharing Code of Practice

December 18 2020

In the UK, the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) has published a Code of Practice helping organisations to engage in 'responsible data sharing'.

Elizabeth DenhamAccording to the ICO, data sharing is central to digital innovation in both the private and public sectors - often leading to economic and social benefits, and the delivery of more efficient and targeted services. Provision for the code was included in the Data Protection Act 2018, and it addresses many aspects of the new legislation including transparency, lawful bases for using personal data, the new accountability principle, and the requirement to record processing activities.

Alongside the code, the ICO has launched a 'data sharing information hub', where organisations can find support and resources across a range of data-related areas, including for 'busting' data sharing myths, data sharing checklists, and advice for sharing personal data through a law enforcement authority toolkit.

Information Commissioner Elizabeth Denham said the COVID-19 pandemic has brought the need for fair, transparent and secure data sharing into sharper focus; citing examples of public authorities and supermarkets sharing information to support vulnerable people shielding, and health data being shared to support delivery of pandemic responses. 'I want my code of practice to be part of a wider effort to address the technical, organisational and cultural challenges for data sharing. I know I can count on a collective effort from practitioners and government to understand the code and work with the ICO to embed it,' Denham added.

Web site: www.ico.org.uk .

All articles 2006-23 written and edited by Mel Crowther and/or Nick Thomas, 2024- by Nick Thomas, unless otherwise stated.

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