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Brainjuicer Launches Large-Scale Online Qual Tool

August 30 2005

You wait ages for a taxi and then two come along at once... Research Now's OmniTaxi has been joined on the list of new MR releases by Quali-Taxi, a service from Brainjuicer using its 'MindReading' technology to replicate the qualitative insights from a focus group - but using large, nationally representative samples.

The product is similar to an omnibus - in that clients can put specific questions to a large number of people - but is delivered when clients need it rather than at a set time - hence the 'taxi' name. Clients can show respondents images, sound and video as stimuli, and can ask a range of qualitative, projective, idea-generating and price sensitivity questions. Brainjuicer has developed the following qualitative techniques for use online:

  • MindReader (an association-laddering technique for finding out what people think of a brand/category/idea and why)
  • Best/Worst (reveals the best/worst about any brand/category/concept and why)
  • Projectives (a creative projection technique to understand subconscious emotional associations)
  • BrainStormer (generates ideas and provides real-time peer feedback on them).
As well as providing data tables to show quantitative results, the company uses MindMaps to display the answers to qualitative questions and the reasons for each answer. Quali-Taxi can be used with online panellists in Western Europe, Eastern Europe, North America, Asia and Australasia.

Yvonne Chien, the company's Marketing & Operations Director, says the service was introduced as a response to clients who wanted to use BrainJuicer's MindReading technique for just a few questions rather than an entire study. She says that 'nobody else on the market can provide quali-quant to this degree in such short timescales'.

Brainjuicer, which has offices in London, Brighton, Rotterdam and New York, is online at www.brainjuicer.com

All articles 2006-23 written and edited by Mel Crowther and/or Nick Thomas, 2024- by Nick Thomas, unless otherwise stated.

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