Daily Research News Online

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US Spanish Language TV Research Published

August 29 2001

Woodcrest Capital has released a new research report on U.S. based Spanish language television. This report is believed to be one of the first of its kind and is designed to direct attention to this rapidly growing broadcast space, representing the first in a series that will be distributed quarterly.

Woodcrest Capital has released a new research report on U.S. based Spanish language television. This report is believed to be one of the first of its kind and is designed to direct attention to this rapidly growing broadcast space, representing the first in a series that will be distributed quarterly.

Woodcrest Capital is itself a sizeable stakeholder in Hispanic Television Network, Inc. Its latest media projections place the U.S. Hispanic population at 43.7 million, with some 29.3 million expected to be speaking Spanish in the home by 2010.

Advertising figures to date show that, in 2000, over US$41 billion was spent on all television advertising with a limited percentage of that amount directed towards Hispanics. However, the buying power of the U.S. Hispanic population is growing at an unparalleled rate.

'Today, roughly 70 English-language or 'General Market' television channels exist for viewers in the U.S., however only two Spanish-language television networks are on the air nationwide,' said Woodcrest Capital principal Ash Huzenlaub. 'This presents a gross under representation of the 35 million people that make up the U.S. Hispanic population. Even with the advent of a third U.S. based Spanish-language television network, HTVN, demand is still under satiated.'

Huzenlaub added that, 'The Hispanic market cannot be ignored and it is highly likely that the various media conglomerates will seek a window to better reach this important segment of the population.'

All articles 2006-22 written and edited by Mel Crowther and/or Nick Thomas unless otherwise stated.

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