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Interactive TV on the Way

October 15 2001

The most recent wave of BMRB's Digital Viewers Survey shows that almost half of all digital viewers have interacted with a programme via digital TV. Interactive programming has most appeal for viewers under 35. There is, not surprisingly, quite a steep decline in usage and interest amongst older respondents.

Sky digital has been the most successful platform in terms of enticing subscribers to interact with almost three-fifths (58%) of Sky digital viewers having done so. This compares to around a third (32%) of ITV digital viewers and just less than a fifth (18%) of cable digital viewers.

The two big interactive events of the summer, Big Brother and Wimbledon, attracted significant numbers of digital viewers. Almost two-fifths (38%) of Sky digital viewers had interacted with the Big Brother coverage, a slightly higher proportion than had interacted with Wimbledon (33%). A third of those who had interacted with the Big Brother coverage via Sky digital had actually voted one of the housemates out using their remote control.

Viewers reacted favourably to the interactive elements of the programmes with almost all saying that the interactive coverage was either very or fairly good. The Wimbledon coverage was particularly enjoyed with over half of those who had interacted rating it as very good.

Digital viewers' experience of interactive advertising than is at a lower level than for interactive programming. Only 12% of digital viewers have ever interacted with an ad. Again, the younger age groups are most likely to go interactive with over a quarter (28%) of the 15 of 24 age group having done so.

Only just over a third (36%) of those yet to interact with an advert say they will be likely to do so in the future, meaning that the majority of digital viewers think they are unlikely to. This is primarily because they think that interactive advertising is of no interest to them and has little appeal.

The survey concludes that interactive advertising is still in its infancy and these results demonstrate that more development and research is needed before its potential is fully realised. Interactive programming is leading the way but it remains to be seen how the technology can best be utilised by advertisers.

These results come from Wave 5 of BMRB's Digital Viewers Survey which interviewed 986 digital viewers (434 Sky digital viewers, 173 ITV digital viewers and 379 cable digital viewers). Fieldwork took place in July 2001.

All articles 2006-22 written and edited by Mel Crowther and/or Nick Thomas unless otherwise stated.

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