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MORI launches 'Qual HotHouse'

November 7 2002

MORI has established a new qualitative HotHouse in the UK to develop innovative approaches to qualitative research. The HotHouse - a team of creative specialists working across the company - has recently worked with clients such as the Broadcasting Standards Commission, Macmillan Cancer Relief, Urban and Economic Development Group (urbed) and the National Portrait Gallery.

'HotHouse clients really benefit because we are integrated with all MORI's specialist business areas,' says HotHouse head Jonathan Nicholls. 'Clients have one project team for both qual and quant research, providing greater focus and a far higher level of insight into the issues at hand. We concentrate on providing results which can be turned into action - not always a characteristic of qual research.'

The HotHouse has developed unique viewer profiling techniques to help the Broadcasting Standards Commission (BSC) better understand public attitudes to soap operas. 'This research has shown us how far the boundaries can be pushed in terms of tackling difficult social issues before the 9 o'clock watershed,' says Andrea Millwood Hargrave, research director of the BSC. 'It will also inform the Commission's members when considering any complaints we receive about soaps.'

A groundbreaking study for Macmillan Cancer Relief has explored children's attitudes to cancer for the first time. New techniques like 'body mapping' were used to help children visualise potential cancer sites, while a unique approach to 'thought bubbles' allowed them to explore the rift between their thoughts and words. 'This was an extremely sensitive project - indeed, some wondered if it was even possible with children. We had to find ways to help the children express themselves within their own comfort zones,' says Murray Lindo, Macmillan's Head of Campaigns. 'The results have been used to generate publicity for our CancerTalk Campaign, and to demonstrate the need for it.' CancerTalk is a schools based educational programme to educate children about cancer.

According to Mike Everett, MD of MORI UK, 'The Qual Hothouse will act as a centre of excellence for Qual Research at MORI. It will be integrated into our private and public sector practices, rather than being a standalone unit, and will champion and disseminate qual research within MORI'

The HotHouse has built the MRS's new quality codes of conduct into all aspects of its work. 'We provide quality-driven qual,' added Nicholls. 'As the demand for qualitative research continues to grow, clients need to know that even the most innovative techniques can be trusted implicitly.'

All articles 2006-22 written and edited by Mel Crowther and/or Nick Thomas unless otherwise stated.

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