Daily Research News Online

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Train Ticket Satisfaction in the UK

May 8 2003

The Association of Train Operating Companies (ATOC) in the UK has commissioned research agency BPRI for the second year running to manage its large scale Accuracy and Impartiality Survey. This mystery shopping programme is a strategic tool to assist train operating companies in monitoring the extent to which they are fulfilling their licence condition to provide an accurate and impartial service to passengers at station ticket offices.

ATOC has a need to monitor the accuracy and impartiality of rail ticket retailing across 24 train operating companies. To meet this requirement, BPRI carries out a tracking mystery shopping programme, which involves 7,500 transactions over a 7 month period each year. BPRI's trained mystery evaluators are required to purchase a ticket according to 13 different scenarios. These range from a simple 'turn up and go' type of ticket, to more complex enquiries involving travel in advance and passengers with disabilities.

Results are fed back to ATOC every week who examines each transaction in detail to determine whether or not the appropriate ticket was sold. The information gathered from the mystery shopping is used to calculate a measured level of accuracy regarding ticket sales. This exercise has enabled ATOC to identify any particular issues for train companies to maintain and continually improve customer network benefits at stations.

Stuart Hall, National Rail Manager at ATOC, said 'it is refreshing to work with a company that has not only understood our objectives, but has worked with us to solve emerging problems in the process. The initiative and adaptability of BPRI in meeting such challenges and maintaining a continuous dialogue, has distinguished them from other potential suppliers.'

All articles 2006-23 written and edited by Mel Crowther and/or Nick Thomas unless otherwise stated.

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