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Outlook for 2004 – Americans' Plans and Worries

January 9 2004

Americans are more likely to cut down on calories than on spending this year, according to the 2004 Outlook Study by RoperASW. The annual study of American adults addresses consumer attitudes about economic and lifestyle issues.

Completed in early December, the study found a growing financial confidence with 43% of Americans saying they are generally optimistic about the future of the economy, up from 36% in January '03. Seventy-one percent say they are generally optimistic about their personal situations and only 5% say they feel pessimistic.

This optimism is reflected in unwillingness to tighten belts. When asked about cost cutting measures if the economy were to weaken in the next three months, there was a significant decline in the number of people willing to hold off on spending activities:

 Dec. '03 Jan. '02 Sept. '01
Cut down on luxuries or non-essentials667882
Postpone purchase of latest high tech items576362
Go out to restaurants less often556367
Go out less often for entertainment 506263
Put off buying items for household or making
household repairs

'Consumers have weathered some very difficult economic times and though the uncertainty lingers, they are less inclined to hunker down', said Ed Keller, CEO of RoperASW. 'For many who are still cautious about the improving economy, this translates into a search for affordable luxuries such as spa days instead of extended vacations'.

Top of the list of New Year's Resolutions is a change in eating habits:

Subject % making resolution
Eating habits43
Overall appearance34
House or apartment32
Present job22
Family life19
Partner or spouse10

Asked about major personal concerns for 2004, more people cited the rising cost of healthcare than the war with Iraq, inflation or having enough money to live and pay the bills. The top concerns are:

Concern% expressing
Rising cost of health care71
War in Iraq64
Inflation and high prices64
Having enough money to live right and
pay the bills
Our relations with foreign countries61
Interest rates51
Stock market36

One thousand Americans aged 18+ were interviewed by telephone between December 5 and 7, 2003. The sample is nationally representative of the adult population in the US.

All articles 2006-23 written and edited by Mel Crowther and/or Nick Thomas unless otherwise stated.

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