Supporting Ukrainian Researchers

Post job ads for insight positions in Poland, Romania, Moldova, Slovakia, Hungary or Germany for free.

For other countries, post positions that will specifically consider Ukrainian refugees full- or part-time, for free.

Ukrainians looking for work: register via an anonymous email address to be contacted via potential employers.

Register Your Availability: Ukrainian MR Professionals

Ukraine Image

MrWeb partners with global association ESOMAR and interest group WIRe to index jobs for the MR community worldwide. If you're a Ukrainian researcher currently out of work you can register your availability here for contact by potential employers. You will be allotted an email alias which will divert to your email for incoming messages only. Your email address will be used by MrWeb to set this up, and for any admin emails we may need to send about the service - nothing else.

Ukraine ESOMAR Image
Ukraine WIRE Image
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...or a very short description of your role, eg Qual Director, Field Exec, Pharma MR Specialist, UX Researcher

Your data will be treated in the strictest confidence and used only for this one purpose. You will shortly receive a confirmation email including your email alias - your own email address will not be published.