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Senior Market Researcher - Financial Lives Survey London, Leeds and Edinburgh National GBP 51,200 - 75,000, London GBP 56,400 - 80,000 per annum, based on skillls and experience - (posted Apr 3 2024)

Company: The FCA
Advertisers Ref: MrWeb/Senior MR Financial Lives
MrWeb Ref: 161016

Job Spec:

The Financial Conduct Authority regulates financial services firms and financial markets in the UK.

The Team / Department

The Market Research team is responsible for gathering and analysing consumer data, as well as overseeing market research commissioned by or on behalf of the FCA. These activities provide key insights and metrics about consumers to help the FCA identify and monitor areas of concern, design remedies and track the effectiveness of interventions.

The team's key output is the Financial Lives survey, the FCA's flagship nationally representative survey of UK consumers. This provides information about consumers' attitudes towards managing their money, the financial products they have and their experiences of engaging with financial services firms. As a tracking survey, it provides evidence of how things are changing from the point of view of the consumer.

The team also oversees a wide range of other one-off bespoke surveys, principally on consumers and either commissioned from external market research agencies or conducted in house.

The role will be focused on the Financial Lives survey but may also include assisting in commissioning other bespoke research, and other tasks:

  • The Financial Lives survey is run on a two-year cycle and the principal work includes questionnaire development/ revisions, survey redesign and fieldwork management, followed by data cleaning and data weighting, analysis and reporting.
  • The team designed the original survey and adapts the questionnaire for each new wave to reflect changing FCA priorities. The team works with several suppliers who between them are responsible for survey scripting, sampling and fieldwork, the raw data and weighting, data table specifications and statistical support.
  • See the 2022 survey questionnaire (c.1300 questions) to see the breadth of coverage and the survey technical report, to understand its complexity and approach to we make the survey manageable for respondents.
  • Key outputs from each survey wave include a detailed survey report which the team co-designs and co-authors, a series of slide decks and multiple volumes of data tables. All are available from the survey website. Outputs of future waves may change, including more in-depth analysis by the team of survey results.

What you will be doing

The role will need to contribute to many of these aspects of the team's work on the Financial Lives survey including drafting, stakeholder management as well as using a range of all-round quantitative research skills. Key elements of the role include:
  • Lead on key technical aspects of the project, eg parts of the questionnaire design; working closely with suppliers on the survey design, sampling and weighting; data analysis and report writing.
  • Taking responsibility as the lead contact for colleagues across the FCA for either a specific financial services sector or a thematic area covered by the Financial Lives survey.
  • Assisting in implementing rigorous quality assurance processes to ensure analysis and published results are accurate.

In addition, for those with experience of using a range of different software such as SPSS, Jupyter or capability in coding using Python, this may also include producing data tables and analysis of large, weighted data sets, and using categorical and ordinal data.

Who to contact: For the full job description and to apply please click here.


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