Panel and research technology specialist Vision Critical and its Russian Partner CreaMetrix have signed a deal to create what the firms describe as the country's first community panel.Last month, Vision Critical announced a partnership with fieldwork firm Tiburon Research, establishing the 'Springboard Russia and Ukraine panel', which gives it direct access to over 300,000 new panellists in those countries.
CreaMetrix was launched in Moscow last year, and offers a full range of research methodologies with a focus on the 'creativity of consumers' and on the metrics of innovation.
Their new community will bring together 'creative Russians' who will be enlisted to provide innovation and support for Russian companies engaged in new design, packaging and product development.
CreaMetrix CEO Alexander Blinov explains that the firms are already planning to roll out the approach in other CIS (Commonwealth of Independent States) markets such as Ukraine and Kazakhstan. 'As a first step, we are launching a community panel of creative people in Russia on the Sparq community platform that will help many companies to find a better way for a successful new product development and innovations,' Blinov adds.
Dinko Svetopetric, Vision Critical's Director of European Partnerships, comments: 'Russian consumers are quickly adopting latest technology trends and are keen users of social media. For Russian business and creative in particular, this new community panel will provide a springboard for new ideas and innovation.'
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All articles 2006-23 written and edited by Mel Crowther and/or Nick Thomas, 2024- by Nick Thomas, unless otherwise stated.
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