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IPA Unveils TouchPoints Analysis Tool

July 29 2008

In the UK, the IPA (Institute of Practitioners in Advertising) has launched a web-based tool to help users access and analyse the diary data in TouchPoints - the institute's consumer-centric multi-media survey which collects data about how people spend their time.

Called IPA DataPresenter, the tool allows users to access data from the original TouchPoints1 survey, and create a series of charts based on daily patterns of behaviour, time spent analysis, and a breakdown of who spends the most time on an activity.

For example, using the system, it is possible to chart when people are using the Internet across an average weekday, and when they are shopping across the average weekend day. Alternatively, the tool can analyse how much time is spent on an activity, or by location or by media.

A profile of those who spend the most time engaged in an activity can also be delivered - for instance the report can be used to demonstrate the profile by age of those who spend the most time using a mobile phone.

Says Research Director Lynne Robinson: 'IPA DataPresenter is a quick and easy way for anyone interested in the TouchPoints diary to look at some top line data. The great thing about this tool is that it requires no training, is easy to use and because it is web-based, can be used any time, any place anywhere.'

TouchPoints was launched in 2006 to provide an industry-wide measurement system of consumers' individual lifestyles. TouchPoints1 data is available and free to anyone who registers on the site, while the recently launched TouchPoints2 data - which highlights the changes in lifestyles, behaviours and multi-media use of 5,400 representative British adults - is only available to subscribers.

The London-based IPA is a trade and professional body for advertising, media and marketing communications agencies. Web sites: www.ipa.co.uk and www.ipatouchpoints.co.uk .

All articles 2006-23 written and edited by Mel Crowther and/or Nick Thomas, 2024- by Nick Thomas, unless otherwise stated.

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