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February 5 2021

Wes WaterstonIn the US, consumer data validation firm Truthset has appointed former Comscore exec Wes Waterston as Vice President of Client Partnerships.

Founded last year by former Nielsen exec Scott McKinley, Truthset is developing an independent standard to measure the quality of consumer data. The company's proprietary Truthscore process has been developed to help clients identify the highest scoring data and use it to improve the accuracy of their campaign audiences.

Waterston (pictured) joins from Comscore, where he served as SVP of Sales, having previously held leadership positions at media companies including CBS and BBC Worldwide. In his new role, Waterston will lead efforts to meet demand for the firm's offer, as it expands its services to a broader range of customers.

Commenting on the appointment, McKinley said: 'Wes is an important and timely hire for Truthset. His knowledge of the industry as well as his energy and proven track record of leading client relationships, makes him a perfect strategic fit for Truthset at this exciting stage of growth.'

Web site: www.truthset.io .