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Canvs AI

April 19 2021

Lisa LeungText analytics / insights platform Canvs AI has promoted Lisa Leung to its leadership team as Director of Sales; and appointed Andrew Wagoner as Head of Sales Enablement and Operations.

Canvs boasts 'the world's largest ontology of digital conversations', trained on over 10 billion social comments and survey open-ends to understand the nuance of how consumers describe their feelings and what drives their behavior.

Leung (pictured), who joined the company in 2016 as an Enterprise Account Executive, will now lead a team of sales account executives with a continued focus on bringing products including TV, Social, MRX and API to new markets. She will also work to strengthen partnerships with existing customers.

Wagoner, who worked previously in training roles at Experian and then for three and a half years at UX and CX monitoring firm Catchpoint, will focus on expanding and increasing the efficiency of the Canvs sales team and ensuring all operations are streamlined to support growth.

CEO & founder Jared Feldman comments: 'I couldn't be happier to have Lisa as our Director of Sales. She knows the Canvs products inside and out, and she is dedicated to our customers, taking the time to truly understand their unique needs and showing them how to get the most powerful insights from our platform to have a positive impact on their business'.

The firm is on the web at www.canvs.ai .