In the US, Twitter has formally agreed to submit a set of key metrics for accreditation by the Media Rating Council (MRC), which has begun the first phase of the process.Twitter is currently engaged in an MRC pre-assessment phase, during which independent auditors are performing an initial review of its compliance with applicable measurement standards. The results will be used to establish a foundation for the next phase of the accreditation process, which involves a full audit.
The audit will cover metrics included in the data feeds Twitter prepares for third-party measurers, as well as its own reporting of certain metrics. It is expected that the ingestion and processing of the Twitter data feeds by third parties will also be audited separately by MRC, to allow for an end-to-end consideration of Twitter metrics as reported through these third-party environments. The metrics currently in scope for the audit are Twitter's gross and net Tweet impression counts (including earned impressions), its measurements of viewable video impressions, plus Tweet sessions, Video sessions and related duration metrics.
Completion of the audit is expected in the first half of 2018, when it will be presented to an MRC committee for consideration.
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All articles 2006-23 written and edited by Mel Crowther and/or Nick Thomas, 2024- by Nick Thomas, unless otherwise stated.
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