London-based data company TeakOrigin has partnered with mobile intelligence platform Streetbees to launch a study to understand the link between nutritional value and consumption of fresh produce.
From this month, Streetbees will use TeakOrigin's technology to scan thousands of different foods on a monthly basis, including apples, avocados, bananas, blueberries, grapes, spinach, strawberries, tomatoes, pears and oranges. Retailers included at this stage are Tesco, Sainsbury's, Morrisons, Waitrose, ASDA, Amazon Fresh, Aldi, Lidl and Ocado; and data will be collected and shared weekly with TeakOrigin.
In addition to building this repository of nutritional data, Streetbees will use its chat-style app and Always ON platform to understand the purchase and consumption drivers for fresh produce, at the moment of choice and in consumers' own words. By then applying machine learning and advanced natural language processing technology to the data, Streetbees says it can uncover not just what people do, but also why they do it.
Tugce Bulut, CEO and founder of Streetbees (pictured left), says that understanding the role nutritional values play in consumers' purchasing and consumption choices has never been more important. Brent Overcash, CEO and co-founder of TeakOrigin, adds: 'A standard way to measure nutrition doesn't yet exist, and people are making choices about the foods they eat every day unaware of whether what they are paying for is healthy, and if the diet app they are using is based on nutritional labeling data that can be twenty years old. It's a problem we decided we can fix for both buyers and sellers of food that benefits every constituent in the food ecosystem, from farmers all the way to consumers'.
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All articles 2006-23 written and edited by Mel Crowther and/or Nick Thomas, 2024- by Nick Thomas, unless otherwise stated.
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