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Adobe Launches Streaming Account Sharing Measure

August 24 2022

In the US, marketing software giant Adobe has launched a service called Primetime Account IQ, to enable video streaming services to identify and understand illegal account sharing activity ('credential sharing'), measure the impact of applying actions, and monetize subscriber behavior.

Amit DayalAccording to a study conducted by Leichtman Research Group in February, 29% of all direct-to-consumer video accounts are being shared with others outside the household, with younger viewers more apt to share and less likely to consider sharing to be illicit.

Account IQ data analysis - powered by Sensei, the company's artificial intelligence and machine learning (ML) technology - uses multiple ML-based models to characterize usage patterns and deliver subscriber insights. This helps streaming services identify when sharing takes place, at an aggregate and individual account level, and track and measure the impact of targeted actions.

Trained with years of live data, the ML-based models draw elements not present in raw streaming data, then reporting and visualizations provide an understanding of the scope and impact of sharing, tailored to meet specific customer needs. In addition, analytics tools provide a view of user behavior and segmented insights, and operation impact reports help visualize impact and effectiveness over an extended period.

Amit Dayal (pictured), VP and GM, Digital Learning, Advertising and Publishing, says that the solution helps generate incremental revenue opportunities from casual sharers by promoting upgrade offers, and develop a deeper understanding of subscribers and their usage patterns for better targeting and recommendations, while making systems easy to access by eliminating unnecessary security checks for legitimate subscribers.

Web site: www.adobe.com .

All articles 2006-23 written and edited by Mel Crowther and/or Nick Thomas, 2024- by Nick Thomas, unless otherwise stated.

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